Finally get clarity on how to make food work for YOUR health.

Build a nutrition and exercise routine that gives you FREEDOM, not more restriction.

How many diets have you been on? Whether your answer is 5 or 50, it’s time to quit. Because let’s face it - diets are annoying, and they never seem to work anyway. If they did, I doubt you would be reading this page!

But if you’re not trying another diet, what’s next? What plan do you follow? Who on the internet do you trust? Every one seems to have different opinions on what’s supposed to be simple - what’s healthy, and what’s not.

So let’s fix that. 

You want to build a healthy lifestyle. It sounds SO simple, but you know it’s more complicated than that. Healthy food is expensive. Cooking and cleaning afterward is a hassle. Exercising is a chore and a burden. You never get enough sleep to feel rested. 

Sound familiar?

If you’re ready to put your meals together with ease, exercise with purpose and passion, reach your health and fitness goals, and have a great time with all of it - the FUELed Fitness Program (FFP) is for you. 

My purpose is to help active women feel strong in their bodies - physical strength, the strength of self-confidence, and everything in between.

Nutrition, exercise, and stress management are the tools you’ll use to get there.

Let’s break down the FFP process! While my specific approach is personalized to each client’s specific needs, I have a basic framework to make the most of our time together.

  • Before we add a bunch of tasks to your to-do list, we need to find time for them! It can be all too easy to put your own health on the backburner, so we attack that front and center. By accounting for your work, family and personal responsibilities, preferences, and variability in routine, you will set aside specific times to work toward the goals you create.

  • Naturally, nutrition is a huge focus of this program. We’ll start with nutrition fundamentals, and advance as you’re ready to do so. During our virtual visits, I utilize unique strategies such as:

    • Complete audit of your current intake: After logging your food for a week, we’ll review your current intake and discuss how to fill the gaps between your current intake and your nutritional needs. This includes calories, macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

    • Food logging: At intervals during the 12 week program, you can log food for me to review. You are NOT required to count calories or macros to be successful in this program!

    • Meal planning: I’ll teach you how to plan and prep your meals so you can stick with it long after our time together is done.

    • Exercise nutrition skills: We’ll discuss if and how your exercise changes your nutritional needs - and what to do about it.

  • Adding exercise into the mix helps make the most of your nutritional changes. We’ll go through a few steps to make sure you’re set up for lifelong health and success.

    • Motivators: Why are you trying to build an exercise routine? (and no, “because Sarah told me to” is not the right answer!)

    • Joy: What kind of exercise do you enjoy? If you immediately think, “Uhh, I don’t enjoy ANYTHING that makes me sweat” then don’t worry - we’ll still find something for you

    • Sustainability: How you exercise will change over time, so we will always start with what is sustainable for you right NOW. We’ll discuss when your plan needs to advance or scale back so it can stay sustainable.

    • Skills: If there is something you’re trying to build skill for, such as a specific sport or activity, we’ll talk about how you can do just that. While I may not be coaching your specific skill, I can teach you how to make the most of the training you do receive.

  • Without addressing stress or sleep, all other efforts may be for nothing. All of these attributes work together - routine, nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep. So while lacking in one area may bring all the others down, it works the other way too! Being very strong in one area can support the others. This is very specific to each client, and may include practices such as journaling, gratitude, faith, meditation, mindset shifts, self-talk, morning or night routines, and more.

Is this the approach you’ve been waiting for?? Click the button and get the process started!

Want to know more about how it works first? Here are the juicy deets:

  • The FUELed Fitness Program starts at 12 weeks. If you want to keep working with me longer, we will address that in the last few weeks.

    • One-on-one ZOOM sessions that are all about YOU.

    • Private messenger access, so you can shoot me a question or share a win anytime between our sessions. Have you ever had a dietitian in your pocket before? It’s pretty rad.

    • Additional resources provided during the program to assist with your goals. Examples include: exercise plan, meal prep resources, snack guides, and more.

  • There are a few different organizations of the FFP depending on what the client needs. I can only give you a specific price truly understanding your goals, dreams, and history which will influence some program components.

    However, take comfort in knowing I will never up-sell you extra services you don’t need, but I also won’t provide you with less support than you need to thrive. Services range from $1,497 - $2,997 with payment plans available.

  • So you’re ready to get started? Woo hoo, let’s celebrate!! Here is a step-by-step for what to do and expect next:

    • Click here to apply and provide some basic information about your goals and struggles.

    • After submitting an application, you’ll be prompted to schedule a free discovery call with me to dive even deeper. We’ll discuss your dreams in more detail and dive a little deeper and discuss more details of what the FFP would look like for you. If we both agree the FFP is a great fit, we’ll take steps to get started ASAP. If I don’t think it would be a great fit, I’ll let you know that too! I won’t try and force you into something that isn’t in YOUR best interest. If we decide to go our separate ways, I’ll do my best to find someone that is a better fit for you.

    • If you’re ready to jump into the FFP, we’ll take care of some paperwork and can get started as soon as a few days after our call. Because why wait??

I can’t wait to start working with you! If you have ANY interest in the FFP, please submit an application below. You’ll be prompted to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call with Sarah to learn more. There is no obligation after having the call, but it may be the decision that finally turns your life around for good.