Pain-Reducing Physical Therapy

Reclaim your routine!

In need of quick treatment for pain or an injury, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of going through multiple different doctors?

How many times have you been excited to start physical therapy at a clinic, only to be one of multiple people your PT is treating at one time? You’re stuck there doing the same exercises each and every week, only see your therapist for a few minutes each session, and you wonder what your copay is even paying for. 

What you really want is to get patched up, do your exercises in the comfort of your own home or gym, and learn how to keep the pain away for good so that you can continue enjoying your sport or activity.

If this sounds relatable, I have good news for you - you’re finally in the right place! 

My system allows me to bypass the restriction of insurance so I can come to you, provide high-quality, one-on-one hands on treatment, and instruct you with preventative measures to treat your pain and prevent the same issue from happening again.

No more cookie-cutter treatment, no more limitations of only treating a single injury, no more going through multiple doctors and referrals before getting something that worked.

If you put in the hard work, you can not only get back to where you were but come back even more resilient!

Although each client has unique needs, I have many tools in my toolbox to treat your specific ailments. While I always diagnose, educate, and prescribe exercise, the other tools are used as necessary depending on your needs.

  • Identifying neuromusculoskeletal issues is my specialty. This allows me to identify the root cause of your pain to construct an efficient, specific, and effective exercise plan.

  • I don’t just go about my business and leave you in the dark. Through all steps of the treatment process, I will talk you through what I’m doing and why I’m doing it so you can be informed about your care and prevent the injury from recurring.

  • If you want lasting results, you need to put in some work too! The exercises I prescribe have various goals, such as reducing pain, building strength, and improving mobility, all chosen specifically to meet your goal of thriving in your sport. A great aspect of these exercises is that you can do them without my supervision, so we can do more of the fun stuff during our visits. Of course, I’ll review the exercises with you and ensure you’re doing them properly… and that you’re doing them!

  • This helps to reduce pressure at your joints, increase mobility, decrease pain, and improve nerve function. Think about how it feels to finally pop your back after an eternity of trying!

  • A blanket term for various techniques designed to improve mobility and reduce pain by reducing muscle tightness, muscle tenderness, and promoting blood flow. These techniques include ischemic compression, active release, percussion, rolling pressure, passive stretching, muscle energy, myofascial scraping, and therapeutic massage.

  • Opposed to the direct pressure techniques of soft-tissue mobilization, myofascial decompression does the opposite. The suction effect lifts the muscle and tissues to increase blood flow and promote healing. Also known as cupping.

  • Although this may look like acupuncture at first glance, it has a different goal. The combination of needles and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENs) helps to stimulate your nerves, reduce pain, and release that tight knot of muscle that has been causing you grief.

  • This would be done after the treatments above to ensure your body can move as freely as possible. The goal here is to improve your range of motion specifically for the activity you are returning to.

  • Stimulates your body’s natural healing capacity by improving blood flow to the specific area.

  • Applying body-conforming tape provides joint stability while giving the nearby muscles more freedom to function properly.

Excited to get started? Here are some more details about how to get started, and what to expect.

  • Submit a short questionnaire to get the discussion started. It will ask you short questions like your reasons for seeking therapy, what you’ve tried in the past, and contact information.

  • You will hear from Dar in a few days to discuss if you would be a good fit for services. If applicable, you’ll discuss scheduling as well.

  • Sessions are $160 for each 1.5 hour session.

    If you are also in nutrition coaching with Sarah, sessions are discounted at $110 per hour.

    If you are more than 20 miles from our location there will be an additional fee per mile traveled.

What are you waiting for? If you have any interest in concierge Physical Therapy services, fill out the short questionnaire linked below.

As a reminder, in-person Physical Therapy services are only available to OKC Metro residents.